Embers of Freedom

Timothy J.P. Gomez

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It was Spring 2020. The world, and our lives, changed overnight as the Covid-19 pandemic sent humanity into lockdown. Confined to my home in Northern California, the raging fire of passion for adventure blazing within me, I continued to seek solace in the therapeutic creation of music. With each beat of the drum, strum of the guitar, and breath in

It was Spring 2020. The world, and our lives, changed overnight as the Covid-19 pandemic sent humanity into lockdown. Confined to my home in Northern California, the raging fire of passion for adventure blazing within me, I continued to seek solace in the therapeutic creation of music. With each beat of the drum, strum of the guitar, and breath in the flute, I was transported back through the incredible experiences of my life. The embers of freedom created from those past moments smoldered within me, sustaining me, awaiting the moment to burst once more into flame.

And as I longed for and dreamed of the open road, I started to think of freedom in all its various forms. The freedom of self-discovery and adolescent growth as in “Rite of Passage”, or the freedom of listening to your intuition and following your own spiritual path in “Spirit Guide”. “Phoenix Rising” explores the freedom of bittersweet endings and new beginnings, while “Earth Unbound” showcases the glory of our untamed planet as volcanic eruptions, wild rivers, and raging storms epitomize freedom in nature’s cycle of destruction and creation.

Often we are our own oppressors, building a cage of obligations, limits, and expectations around ourselves. We weigh ourselves down with chains of our own making without ever realizing we hold the key. To be free is to follow your nature; to be free is to follow your heart. And wherever you are in that journey of reflection, however many chains you bear, the embers of freedom are glowing within you - ready to light the way.

With Love,

Timothy J.P. Gomez

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